The Impact of World Geopolitics on the Republic of Indonesia and the Readiness of National Leadership


In the era of globalization, world geopolitics and geostrategy play a crucial role in determining the direction and sustainability of a country. In this regard, Indonesia as a country with a strategic position – and an important role in the Southeast Asia region, and in the world – is facing various impacts from geopolitical and geostrategic changes.

The closest impact that can be examined is a matter of regional security and conflict, where world geopolitics influences the security situation in the Southeast Asian region. The existence of competing interests between major countries, can increase tension and conflict. And this certainly has the potential to affect political stability and security in Indonesia.

The world’s geopolitical influence on the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) is a complex matter and continues to change along with global changes. Therefore, Indonesia must have an adaptive foreign policy and strategy and build balanced relations with other countries to maintain national interests and state stability.

Reading these indications, the Republic of Indonesia must be able to maintain balanced relations with large countries – on the one hand, and on the other hand it must be good at actively participating in efforts to maintain regional peace and stability.

Another impact is related to global economic matters. Here, the Republic of Indonesia as a country that relies on commodity exports, such as oil, gas and agricultural products – is very vulnerable to fluctuations in commodity prices and changes in world trade policies.

Due to this, global economic geopolitics – such as trade wars between countries and the international financial crisis, can have a negative impact on the Indonesian economy. So the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is obliged to find a strategy to reduce its dependence on one sector and diversify the economy.

Meanwhile, the impact of world geostrategy, among other things, on state strategies and tactics in achieving national interests through international relations. Thus, Indonesia must be able to take advantage of its position as a country with a large population, abundant natural resource wealth, and a country with political stability that is relatively calm.

Therefore, world geostrategy requires Indonesia to actively participate in international forums and regional organizations such as ASEAN. So, through effective diplomacy, Indonesia can fight for its national interests, build strategic partnerships, and reach agreements that are beneficial for the survival of the country.

All of these things become the meaning of “knowledge” which must be absorbed by the readiness factors of Indonesia’s national leadership. The problem is, the readiness of national leadership to face global geopolitical and geostrategic impacts involves the process of formulating strategic policies that focus on national interests and societal welfare.

Talking about the readiness of Indonesia’s national leadership, this necessitates the ability and quality of leadership in facing challenges. So, national leaders in various sectors must be ready and have the qualities to face the complexity and dynamics of the situation domestically and at the international level.

So furthermore, national leadership must have a clear long-term vision for the Indonesian state and society. And has a mission that focuses on national interests and the welfare of the people. It is clear from this understanding that national leadership must have a thorough understanding of geopolitical and geostrategic dynamics.

At the same time, strong capacity and quality must be possessed. Through strong leadership readiness, the Republic of Indonesia can face global changes well and play an active role. As well as, being able to determine direction and goals at regional and global levels.

This foundation is to integrate geopolitical and geostrategic aspects in formulating national policies – policies that are adaptive and responsive to global change. So that you can quickly understand indications of the impact of world geopolitics and geostrategy, and know the consequences for the sustainability of the Republic of Indonesia.

The influence of world geopolitics on the Republic of Indonesia is very complex, and always changes following global changes. Therefore, it is important for Indonesia to have readiness for Indonesian national leadership including the quality to face challenges, as well as being clever in taking strategic roles domestically and at the international level.


(Prof. DR. Drs. Ermaya Suradinata, SH, MH, MSI, is the former Director General of Social and Political Affairs of the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs, Chancellor of IPDN, Governor of Lemhannas RI, and currently the Expert Council for Geopolitics and Geostrategy of BPIP RI.)
