Indonesia 78 Years: Geopolitics and Geostrategy Increasingly Synergized and Solid within the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia


In all towns, villages and hamlets, residents raise the red and white flags. It is clear that: the entire Indonesian nation is happy to celebrate the 78th Indonesian Independence Day which occurs on August 17th. This happiness was then expressed by the residents by holding various kinds of competitions – including the funniest ones.

In Indonesia, raising the flag on August 17 is an expression of happiness that can be celebrated together – as a form of gratitude for celebrating independence. Because since its independence in 78 years ago, the Republic of Indonesia has gone through a long journey of its endeavor to break the back of the beast until it comes to its bowl of cherries.

Today’s bowl of cherries like journey, mention in the geopolitical and geostrategic dimension how Indonesia has carved a geopolitical and geostrategic identity that is becoming more mature on the global stage. Shortly: Indonesia has taken an increasingly significant role in the world of geopolitics and geostrategy.

In this perspective of assertiveness, it is clear that Indonesia has succeeded in building strong diplomatic relations with the countries worldwide. In a regional context, Indonesia is an active member of international organizations, including ASEAN.

Indonesia plays an important role in promoting peace, stability and cooperation in the Southeast Asia region. Also, Indonesia is so agile and sharp in maintaining good relations with big countries such as the US, China, India and European countries. It is clear that this makes a positive contribution in strengthening Indonesia’s diplomatic position in the international realms.

Indonesia’s extraordinary geopolitical and geostrategic developments at the age of 78 have strengthened its maturity in the global realms. This begins with strengthening national security and stability, strengthening the economy and sustainable development, and implementing commitments to environmental concern in sustainable development.

On the factor of stability of national security and stability, Indonesia has succeeded in maintaining domestic stability and maintaining its territorial integrity. Law enforcement efforts, development of modern military capabilities, and regional cooperation on security issues have become important foundations for the protection of national sovereignty and security.

Meanwhile, in its effort to strengthen the economy and sustainable development, Indonesia has utilized its natural resources to advance the economy. By developing economic sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing industry and tourism, Indonesia has succeeded in creating significant economic growth.

As for implementing a commitment to its environmental concern in sustainable development among others, it lies in Indonesia’s commitment to the Paris Agreement on climate change and efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This shows Indonesia’s positive contribution on a global scale.

Thus Indonesia’s geopolitical maturity is reflected in the awareness of the importance of environmental protection and sustainable development. It clearly is an evident that Indonesia as a country with a rich diversity of ecosystems, has taken steps to address environmental issues such as deforestation, land degradation and climate change.

Indonesia, which has reached 78 years of independence, has clearly reached a significant level of maturity in terms of geopolitics and geostrategy. The indicators are traced to the stability of maintaining domestic stability, and continuous efforts to build strong international relations, optimize economic and environmental potential, and have played an important role in the global relams.

However, there are still challenges that must be faced, which means that Indonesia cannot be complacent. Challenges that must be faced are including security challenges; economic and social inequality; maritime and territorial conflicts; and its dependence on natural resources.

Therefore, solutions to overcome obstacles in Indonesia’s geopolitical and geostrategic development at its independence of 78 must be implemented. In which to solve security challenges, Indonesia must continue to strengthen cooperation with neighboring countries and ASEAN members in facing common security challenges such as terrorism and illegal trades.

From there there will be an increase in security capacity, where investment in military modernization and increased intelligence capabilities will become important to mitigate evolving security threats.

So, for solutions to economic and social disparities, Indonesia must remain focused on high quality education and job training. This can help improve the quality of human resources and reduce economic disparities in it.

The implementation of regional economic empowerment, namely diversification of the regional economy through the development of the non-agricultural sector and the creative economy sector can help reduce economic inequality.

So, to provide solutions to maritime and regional conflicts, Indonesia must remain firm in enforcing maritime law. Continuously intensify supervision. So that maritime law enforcement can help prevent conflicts and illegal actions in Indonesian waters.

The solution to the dependence on natural resources, including Indonesia, must create knowledge-based industrial development. Investment in innovation and technology can help encourage the development of knowledge-based industries, thereby reducing Indonesia’s dependence on natural resources.

Thus, the development of the manufacturing sector can increase sharply. Therefore, developing an export-oriented manufacturing sector can help offset fluctuations in global commodity prices.

Of all this, in order to overcome obstacles in geopolitical and geostrategic developments, Indonesia needs a comprehensive approach and cross-sector cooperation. By strengthening regional cooperation, investing in education and technology, as well as sustainable management of the environment and natural resources, Indonesia can reach its potential as a formidable country as was done by Ir Soekarno, the First President of the Republic of Indonesia in the global geopolitical realms.

These solutions must be implemented with strong commitment and support from various parties, including state governments, civil society and the private sector.

The 78th independence day of the Republic of Indonesia. Merdeka. Salam Pancasila.


(Prof. DR. Drs. Ermaya Suradinata, SH, MH, MSI, is the former Director General of Social and Political Affairs of the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs, Chancellor of IPDN, Governor of Lemhannas RI, and currently the Expert Council for Geopolitics and Geostrategy of BPIP RI.)
