Peaceful Campaign to Elect Ethical Leaders

The General Election (KPU) has determined the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) campaign schedule. The campaign schedule and rules have been regulated in detail in KPU Regulation (PKPU) Number 15 of 2023 concerning Election Campaigns. Based on these regulations, an election campaign is an activity of election participants or other parties appointed by election participants to convince voters by offering a vision, mission, program and self-image of election participants.

Thus election campaigns are an integral part of the democratic process in a country. Election participants, both political parties and independent candidates, as well as parties appointed by them, are actively involved in efforts to convince voters. The main objective of this campaign is to win voter support through conveying the vision, mission, programs and self-image of election participants.

So an election campaign that is carried out peacefully is absolutely necessary. In this regard, peaceful campaigns are a crucial element in ensuring that the democratic process runs smoothly and without detrimental conflicts. Election participants have a responsibility to ensure that communication and interactions with voters and political competitors are carried out in a way that respects democratic values and avoids violence.

Therefore, a peaceful campaign includes principles such as open dialogue between election participants, avoiding rhetoric that incites hatred or triggers conflict, and emphasizes the importance of resolving differences of opinion through democratic channels. The parties involved in an election campaign need to work together to create a conducive atmosphere for the election process, where voters can make decisions based on clear and objective information.

Peaceful campaigns also involve active community participation in elections, without any pressure or intimidation. People have the right to listen to various views and vote based on their own beliefs. Peaceful campaigns create an environment where diverse voices can be heard without fear of repression or violence. Initiatives such as public debates, discussion forums and open meetings can be a means of increasing public understanding of election participants and promoting constructive dialogue.

So a peaceful campaign not only creates a conducive environment for elections, but also supports basic democratic values. Democracy as a system of government gives the people the power to choose their leaders freely and fairly. Peaceful campaigns strengthen the essence of democracy by giving voters the opportunity to deeply understand their choices.

The importance of peaceful campaigns is also reflected in the process of selecting leaders, which ultimately reflects the will of the majority of society. With healthy electoral competition, voters can make more informed decisions. And, choose leaders who suit their aspirations and needs.

So along with a peaceful campaign, it is important for election participants to commit to high political ethics. Good political ethics includes honesty in conveying information, respecting the rights of political opponents, and rejecting all forms of fraud. Election participants who prioritize ethics always build public trust in the election process and help maintain the integrity of democracy.

Through peaceful campaigns and the democratic election of leaders, citizens have the opportunity to direct the future direction of the country. This process opens the door to innovation, renewal and better development. Therefore, peaceful campaigns, democracy and the election of leaders are interrelated. It plays a major role in building a society that is more just, open and responsive to the needs of its people.

Therefore, it is important for all parties involved – both election participants and the public – to maintain the spirit of peaceful campaigning, as an inseparable part of the democratic process. By upholding these values, we can ensure that the election of leaders not only takes place fairly, but also builds a solid foundation for the development of an inclusive and empowered society. Through positive engagement and participation, we can collectively embrace a better future, where elected leaders represent the aspirations and interests of society as a whole.

So from here, ethical leaders emerge who play a key role in maintaining the stability and sustainability of the country. Leadership ethics which include aspects such as integrity, transparency, honesty and responsibility – are well presented. Because ethical leaders are responsible not only for implementing policies, but also for the welfare of the society they lead.

Ethical leaders also highlight the ability to manage conflict and differences of opinion in a constructive way. They promote open dialogue, and listen to differing views respectfully. In election campaigns, election participants who are able to build bridges between different groups and prioritize unity will create a more positive political climate.

Ethical leaders also place the welfare of society as a top priority. They pay attention to the needs and aspirations of society, and try to create policies that have a positive impact on as many people as possible. Election participants who highlight their vision and work programs, which aim to improve people’s welfare, will be more likely to receive strong support in their campaigns.

Then in the end, an election campaign that is run peacefully, supported by ethical leaders, is of course crucial in building the foundations of a strong and sustainable democracy. Campaign initiatives that focus on offering a vision, mission and programs with high ethics, in turn create a healthy political environment and foster active community participation.

(Prof. DR. Drs. Ermaya Suradinata, SH, MH, MSI, is the former Director General of Sospol of the Ministry of Home Affairs RI, Rector of IPDN, Governor of Lemhannas RI, and currently the Board of Experts for Geopolitics and Geostrategy of BPIP RI.)
