Elections in Geopolitical Dynamics

INDONESIA, as the largest democratic country in the world, holds general elections (Pemilu) periodically to determine its political direction, including the momentum of the 2024 Election which has entered the campaign phase.

So the momentum of the election not only reflects the country’s internal dynamics, but also has a significant impact in the regional and global geopolitical context.

Thus, the elections create important momentum in bilateral relations with partner countries. Elections are the main stage on which Indonesian citizens articulate their political desires, while the world pays attention to possible political and policy shifts.

Selected candidates shape foreign policy that can influence geopolitical dynamics in the region.

The candidate’s involvement and views on global issues such as trade, security and climate change can shape Indonesia’s image in the eyes of the international community.

Elections in Indonesia are not only a national event, but also a geopolitical phenomenon that has global implications.

This momentum provides an opportunity for Indonesia to strengthen its position in regional geopolitical dynamics, and play a more active role in shaping the world order.

Therefore, active attention and participation from all parties, both domestic and foreign, is the key to ensuring that the democratic process in Indonesia runs well, and has a positive impact on stability and development at the global level.

In the context of regional geopolitics, the results of the elections in Indonesia have an impact on the security and stability of the Southeast Asian region.

Indonesia, as the country with the largest population and economic power in the region, has a central role in overcoming issues such as maritime tensions, migration and regional security.

Indonesian Political Transformation

Elections have a central role in Indonesia’s geopolitical dynamics, providing the foundation for deep political transformation towards a more dynamic and developed future.

Elections are not just a process of determining power, but also a reflection of geopolitical shifts occurring at regional and global levels.

In this context, general elections in Indonesia are not only a democratic ritual, but also a vital instrument in shaping the direction of foreign policy, regional stability and Indonesia’s role in the global order.

Elections are a vehicle for representing the diversity of Indonesian society, creating the political legitimacy needed to build a strong foreign policy foundation.

In facing ever-changing geopolitical dynamics, voters are obliged to act as a changing force, directing leaders who will bring Indonesia to compete in a global order full of challenges.

The election moment creates opportunities for political parties and candidates to develop a vision for the future that is in line with community needs and geopolitical dynamics.

In the geopolitical sphere, the results of the Indonesian elections not only influence domestic policies, but also create an impact on bilateral and regional relations.

The importance of public participation in elections is not only limited to democratic rights, but also as a statement of collective desire to involve themselves in geopolitical change.

High participation reflects a society that cares about the future direction of the country, underscoring the importance of political stability in supporting economic growth and prosperity.

As a country with a large population and strategic role, Indonesia has the potential to shape geopolitical dynamics in Southeast Asia and beyond.

Therefore, elections are not just a routine political process, but a critical moment in shaping Indonesia’s image in the eyes of the world.

By combining geopolitical dynamics in the general election process, Indonesia has the opportunity to build a future that is strong, has a global perspective, and is in line with the demands of the times.

Geopolitical dynamics stage

Elections are also a vehicle for measuring Indonesia’s response to global economic dynamics. Elected leaders must have a vision of an inclusive economy, encourage foreign investment, and overcome economic challenges that may arise.

By integrating these factors in elections, Indonesia can guide sustainable and inclusive economic development.

Combining geopolitical, economic and security dynamics in the election process, Indonesia can form a solid and adaptive foundation for its future.

The general election is not only a time to determine a leader, but also a critical moment in which the country’s direction is carved out in the context of ever-changing geopolitical dynamics.

Thus, the importance of geopolitics in the Indonesian Election is reflected in the campaign issues that emerge.

Issues such as maritime sovereignty, regional cooperation and climate change are of central concern, reflecting an awareness of global and regional challenges that require active responses.

Elections are also a forum where leaders can set the direction of proactive foreign policy. As well as strengthening Indonesia’s position in international forums, and building mutually beneficial strategic partnerships.

The geopolitical dynamics in the Indonesian elections not only reflect domestic political orientation, but also how Indonesia interacts with neighboring countries and global powers.

Active involvement in regional diplomacy and a constructive role in organizations such as ASEAN are key factors in achieving geopolitical goals.

So the elected leader must be able to build a strong diplomatic network, manage bilateral tensions, and work together to overcome common issues.

In this way, through elections, Indonesia can confirm its commitment to the principles of democracy and multilateral diplomacy.

Geopolitical dynamics played a key role in the Indonesian elections, setting the stage for careful consideration of bilateral relations, regional diplomacy, and Indonesia’s role in the international context.

Voter decisions determine how the elected leader will shape relations with neighboring countries, as well as position Indonesia in an increasingly complex global competitive arena.

Therefore, general elections are not only a forum for democracy, but also an arena in which parties and prospective leaders must outline their vision for diplomacy, managing conflict, and advancing national interests through international dialogue.

This also includes how elected leaders manage maritime claims, collaborate with neighboring countries, and maximize national maritime potential, which are important elements in the formation of foreign policy.

In the economic realm, elections create a vital stage for electing leaders who are able to bring about positive change, with a focus on inclusive growth, alleviating poverty and increasing global competitiveness. Then by uniting geopolitical, economic and security dynamics.

So the election creates a crucial basis for guiding Indonesia towards an adaptive, competitive future and playing an active role in responding to global challenges.

Towards a stable future

To direct Indonesia towards a stable and competitive future at the global level, it is necessary to emphasize strengthening maritime sovereignty.

As a country with the world’s main shipping lanes, Indonesia’s maritime potential can become a strategic asset in regional and global diplomacy.

Focusing on water monitoring and sustainable use of marine resources is the main basis for ensuring economic sustainability and national security.

In facing geopolitical complexity, strong diplomacy and strategic bilateral relations are the keys to success.

Through close cooperation with neighboring countries and regional partners, Indonesia can create a stable political environment.

Empowering ASEAN’s role and active participation in regional forums will strengthen Indonesia’s position in facing changing geopolitical dynamics.

Evenly distributed infrastructure development throughout the archipelago can improve connectivity and strengthen internal stability.

Focusing on port development, transportation networks and information technology will support inclusive economic growth and prepare Indonesia to become a regional logistics center.

This includes joint efforts to overcome the threat of terrorism and other security challenges, so strengthening cyber security capabilities is essential to protect critical infrastructure from potential cyber threats.

By maintaining internal security and stability, Indonesia can play a more effective role in maintaining regional peace and security.

However, preparing Indonesia for the future requires community empowerment and greater political participation.

Increasing transparency, accountability and public participation in political decision making will form a solid democratic foundation.

Involving various levels of society, including women and youth, in the political process will create representation that is inclusive and represents Indonesia’s diversity.

By prioritizing these aspects, Indonesia can manage geopolitics and geostrategy wisely, building a strong foundation for a more stable, prosperous and competitive future at the global level.

(Prof. DR. Drs. Ermaya Suradinata, SH, MH, MSI, is the former Director General of Sospol of the Ministry of Home Affairs RI, Rector of IPDN, Governor of Lemhannas RI, and currently the Board of Experts for Geopolitics and Geostrategy of BPIP RI.)
