The Influence of Political Stability in Indonesian Geopolitics

It is undeniable that Indonesia’s political stability has broad and deep implications in the geopolitical context: national, regional and global.

Political stability at the national level is the main foundation for the progress of economic development, effective diplomacy and sustainable domestic peace.

On a regional scale, Indonesia, as a leader in Southeast Asia, can play a central role in facilitating cooperation and integration in the region.

In addition, political stability at the global level allows Indonesia to actively participate in global initiatives, contribute to global issues, and play a role as a key player in the world order.

Therefore, political stability has a crucial role in shaping the geopolitical map of a country.

In the midst of the complexity of relations between countries, political stability can be a driving force, or even a vulnerability, that can influence a country’s position on the international stage.

So political stability also makes it clear whether a country’s government is competent or not to maintain order, policy consistency and internal security.

From a geopolitical perspective, political stability is the foundation for sustainable national development, as well as determining a country’s bargaining power throughout the world.

Therefore, politically stable countries tend to be more appreciated and respected by the international community. Remembering that stability creates predictability and certainty.

One of the most direct impacts of political stability, in a geopolitical context, is the credibility of the nation and state.

So it is clear that Indonesia is able to maintain its stability, it will give a signal to the world that this nation can be relied on as a cooperation partner, both in the economic, political and security fields.

On the other hand, political instability often creates uncertainty and doubt among international partners, which can clearly harm Indonesia’s geopolitical position.

Therefore, to maintain and improve political stability, Indonesia needs to continue to encourage reform and sustainable development.

Efforts to overcome internal challenges, such as corruption, inequality and ethnic conflict, are key to creating a stable political environment.

Maintaining national political stability

In the context of national politics, political stability is not just a representation of the strength of a government, but also determines the direction of domestic development.

Countries that have political stability tend to create a political environment that supports effective governance.

This stability provides space for long-term planning, policy development, and implementation of reforms needed to advance society.

In this context, political stability is not only a measure of government success, but also a key factor in achieving national development goals.

When a country experiences political stability, government power can be focused on urgent national issues. The democratic process can run more smoothly, allowing public participation in political decision making.

Political stability in the national realm then creates the foundation for constructive discussions, where differences of opinion can be resolved through political channels. Without the need to involve detrimental political conflicts or crises.

Therefore, political stability also guarantees the continuity of the national development vision. This enables the implementation of long-term programs needed to overcome challenges and drive economic growth.

For example, the domestic business and investment sector is strongly influenced by political stability.

When the government is able to maintain political stability, business people tend to be more confident in investing on a large scale. This creates a healthy business climate, encourages private sector growth, creates jobs, and stimulates the overall national economy.

In terms of diplomacy, national political stability can increase a country’s bargaining power in international forums.

This can open up opportunities to play a more active role in international organizations, participate in peace negotiations, and play a positive role in responding to global challenges such as climate change, conflict, or pandemics.

So it is clear that political stability has deep implications in both geopolitical and national contexts.

At the national level, political stability creates the basis for sustainable development, economic growth, and social harmony.

In line with this, countries that are able to maintain political stability can also be more effective in interacting with the outside world, strengthening their position on the global geopolitical stage.

Therefore, the development and maintenance of political stability must be given special attention as an integral part of national policy planning and implementation.

Context of regional political stability

In the context of regional politics, the political stability of a country has a significant impact on security and cooperation in the region.

Countries that are able to maintain political stability not only make a positive contribution to regional security, but also create conditions that support cooperation between countries.

One of the direct impacts of political stability in the regional political context is the creation of a climate conducive to dialogue and diplomacy between countries.

In terms of regional security, political stability is a key element to prevent large-scale conflict.

Political stability at the regional level also has an impact on economic integration between countries. Trade and investment tend to increase in politically stable regions, because business people feel more confident in the security of their investments.

This creates economic interdependence that strengthens relations between countries and can be a driver of sustainable economic growth.

From a regional geopolitical perspective, political stability can influence a region’s position at the global level.

Regions that are known to have political stability tend to be more attractive to global investment and diplomatic interests.

Conversely, political instability can create a negative image for a region, limiting their potential influence and contribution in international affairs.

Therefore, in the Indonesian geopolitical context, political stability at the national and regional levels has a profound impact on Indonesia’s role and position on the international stage.

As the largest archipelagic country in the world with ethnic, cultural and religious diversity, Indonesia has special challenges in maintaining political stability.

For this reason, political stability at the national level is the key for Indonesia to utilize its economic potential and natural resources. On the other hand, political stability at the regional level is very relevant for Indonesia considering its position as a country in Southeast Asia.

From a geopolitical perspective, political stability at the national and regional levels provides great advantages for Indonesia in carrying out diplomacy and strengthening its position at the global level.

Looking to the future, political stability at the national and regional levels remains a priority for Indonesia.

By strengthening its political foundations, Indonesia can be more proactive in shaping regional dynamics, acting as a conflict mediator, and encouraging economic integration in Southeast Asia.

political stability will help Indonesia face global geopolitical challenges.

From a global geopolitical perspective, Indonesia’s political stability has an impact that is not only limited to national or regional interests. But also on the dynamics of international relations as a whole.

Indonesia, as a country with a large population, natural wealth and strategic location, is an important player in the global political order.

So political stability in Indonesia can directly influence the role and position of this country in international forums.

In relation to global diplomacy, Indonesia’s political stability is the basis for the country to carry out a consistent and reliable foreign policy.

Partner countries tend to have more trust in countries that have political stability, considering that this creates predictability and certainty in international relations.

So in the context of international cooperation, Indonesia can more effectively contribute to global issues that require cross-border collaboration, such as climate change, overcoming pandemics and international security.

Maintained political stability allows Indonesia to play an active role in international forums, create strong partnerships with other countries, and participate in global initiatives that have a positive impact.

Political stability in Indonesia is an important factor in maintaining peace and stability at the global level.

As a country committed to the principles of peace, Indonesia can function as a mediator in international conflicts and contribute to resolving global problems.

National political stability creates a strong foundation for Indonesia’s role as a force that supports world peace.

Through active participation in international organizations and multilateral forums, Indonesia can take advantage of its political stability to fight for national and regional interests.

Indonesia’s membership in the G20, ASEAN and various other international organizations provides a forum for advocating policies that support peace, security and sustainable development at the global level.

Indonesia’s political stability not only has implications at the national or regional level, but also plays an important role in the global political context.

As a country committed to peace, sustainable development and international cooperation, Indonesia can strengthen its positive impact on the world stage through maintaining political stability at home.

(Prof. DR. Drs. Ermaya Suradinata, SH, MH, MSI, is the former Director General of Sospol of the Ministry of Home Affairs RI, Rector of IPDN, Governor of Lemhannas RI, and currently the Board of Experts for Geopolitics and Geostrategy of BPIP RI.)
