Stop blasphemy, build democracy and maintain the unity of NKRI

IN the context of the 2024 General Elections in Indonesia, the geopolitics of the country is an important factor in the opportunity to build a democracy characterized by Pancasila and shape the dynamics of internal political maturity.

Today, in correlation with the general election campaign, the public atmosphere is filled with blasphemy. Of course, this is a serious challenge for the upcoming election process.

The role of mass media and social platforms will be key in shaping public opinion and influencing the direction of political debate.

Therefore, ahead of the election, it is important to maintain constructive dialogue and avoid polarization that could undermine national unity.

As such, the 2024 elections can be a platform to evaluate political parties’ policies and views on regional and global geopolitical issues.

In the face of global dynamics, voters can assess the candidates’ ability to lead Indonesia in an increasingly complex international order.

Indonesia’s involvement in regional issues, such as regional conflicts or economic cooperation, can be a determining factor in voters’ choices.

Where voters can choose leaders who can safeguard national interests, as well as play a constructive role at the international level.

Therefore, elections as a platform to build national unity are essential.

The election of leaders who are able to overcome differences of opinion with dialogue, and build policies that support sustainability and national welfare, can shape Indonesia’s future direction more solidly.

It is clear, then, that the 2024 elections are not only a democratic process, but also a critical momentum to shape Indonesia’s geopolitical role in the global and regional context.

Indonesia’s geopolitics in regional dynamics

In the context of the 2024 elections, Indonesia’s geopolitical role has great potential to influence the world’s view of the country’s political stability. Smart voters can directly contribute to Indonesia’s positive image in the eyes of the international community.

Therefore, it is important for elected leaders to build strong relationships with other countries, maintain Indonesia’s credibility, and actively participate in international organizations to promote global peace, justice and sustainability.

As a strategically positioned country in the Southeast Asian region, Indonesia plays a central role in regional geopolitics.

With the increasing spotlight on Indonesia’s geopolitics, especially in the context of the life of the nation, the complex dynamics in the region create a public atmosphere full of tension and complexity, which can corner certain parties.

In regional geopolitics, the stability and integrity of Indonesia is a crucial factor in realizing resilience and peace in the region.

Threats to the nation’s integrity can be an opportunity for external parties to intervene in Indonesia’s internal affairs, potentially developing into regional conflicts.

As a major player in regional geopolitics, Indonesia needs to manage its internal dynamics wisely.

Smart diplomacy and a proactive foreign policy can help create a balance between national and regional interests.

Building a positive image in the eyes of neighboring countries and collaborating effectively can strengthen Indonesia’s position in the Southeast Asian geopolitical order.

Handling Indonesia’s internal dynamics is therefore a strategic key. Success in overcoming blasphemy and blasphemy and strengthening the integrity of the nation not only impacts national stability, but also stretches to the regional level.

A stable and robust Indonesia not only supports the welfare of its people, but also makes a positive contribution to peace and security in a dynamic region.

The importance of Indonesia’s stability in regional geopolitics is also closely linked to the economic dynamics in Southeast Asia.

As the region’s largest economic power, domestic instability can negatively impact regional economic growth.

Maintaining political and social stability is therefore an important prerequisite for continuing Indonesia’s positive role in advancing regional economies and cooperation.

Indonesia’s geopolitics in global dynamics

In the perspective of the 2024 elections, Indonesia attracts attention as a country that has great influence and strategic in the midst of shifting world power. Indonesia’s geopolitics is currently a key element in a global dynamic full of challenges and opportunities.

While often focused on national issues, Indonesia’s internal dynamics can have a significant impact on the geopolitical game at the global level.

Indonesia’s positive image directly affects foreign investment attraction, diplomatic cooperation and Indonesia’s role in international forums.

Therefore, maintaining stability and nurturing a positive image at the national level can make a positive contribution to global geopolitics.

Indonesia’s role in global geopolitics is not only limited to security issues, but also includes contributions to the world economic order.

As a member of the G20 and a major player in Southeast Asia, Indonesia has the potential to influence global economic policy.

Efforts in enhancing regional and international cooperation can help shape a more inclusive and sustainable global economic agenda.

Indonesia’s geopolitics is not only an internal issue, but also has impacts that involve national borders.

In a changing and globally connected world, efforts to address internal challenges and build a positive image not only mean strengthening Indonesia’s position at the national level, but also contributing to the direction and dynamics of broader global geopolitics.

As a country with a large population and strategic location at the crossroads of the Asia Pacific, Indonesia has the potential to mediate regional and global conflicts.

Smart diplomacy and active engagement in international forums can help create space for dialog and peace.

Observing Indonesia’s geopolitics from various perspectives, it is clear that the challenges and opportunities faced by the country have repercussions that extend beyond national borders.

Indonesia’s internal geopolitical dynamics not only affect national stability, but also reach global dimensions.

Therefore, maintaining the integrity of the nation, maintaining a positive image, and contributing to global issues are crucial steps to strengthen Indonesia’s geopolitical role.

So to maintain the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), it is important to understand that geopolitical challenges are not only national, but also affect global stability.

The government and society need to synergize in building a solid foundation to respond to these changes.

In this era of globalization, maintaining the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is not only the responsibility of the government, but also involves the active participation of the community.

Education and awareness of the importance of unity and diversity are key to building a strong foundation in facing geopolitical challenges.

With these steps, Indonesia can carve out a greater role in global geopolitics, becoming a role model for democracy to make a real contribution to world political peace and stability.

(Prof. DR. Drs. Ermaya Suradinata, SH, MH, MSI, is the former Director General of Sospol of the Ministry of Home Affairs RI, Rector of IPDN, Governor of Lemhannas RI, and currently the Board of Experts for Geopolitics and Geostrategy of BPIP RI.)
