Pancasila, Election, and New Year's Expectation for 2024

The Indonesian nation has entered the lips of 2024. So in stringing together hopes for 2024, in order to tightly bind Indonesia’s democratic journey with the noble values of Pancasila is not something that is deviated. This year there will be a democratic party, called the General Election (Pemilu). Therefore, this democratic party becomes the main stage where citizens actively participate, channeling their aspirations to shape the future of the nation.

At the same time, there is the spirit of Pancasila values, where this democratic process guides the Indonesian people to look forward with hope – especially regarding the election of leaders who will take Indonesia in a more inclusive and sustainable direction. It is clear from this that Pancasila, as the philosophical guide of the country, marks the essence of every choice in elections.

Based on the values of Belief in One God, Fair and Civilized Humanity, Indonesian Unity, Democracy Led by Wisdom, and Social Justice for All the People of Indonesia, our hopes for the 2024 elections are in line with the nation’s noble ideals. Through this process, it strengthens our confidence that the elected leaders of the 2024 democratic party will reflect and encourage these values in their policies and steps.

An elected leader, the result of a majority vote of the people, becomes a political representation that is closely linked to the aspirations, needs and expectations of the people. Elections, as a democratic ritual, provide a rare opportunity for citizens to determine the direction of their leadership. This process should reflect the plurality and diversity of society, with the important consequence that it guides policy and governance dynamics.

In the context of Indonesian democracy ahead of the 2024 elections, active citizen participation is a key pillar for determining the political and social future of the country. The 2024 elections place a responsibility on society to elect leaders who are able to describe and fulfill the complex needs of Indonesian society. The election process is not just a duty, but a right that must be exercised with full awareness of democratic values. The strong involvement of various community groups will determine the success of Indonesian democracy in responding to challenges and steering the country in a more inclusive and sustainable direction.

At the same time, Pancasila, as the ideological basis of the Indonesian state, provides a philosophical foundation for the values that should color democratic processes and elections. First, the value of Belief in God Almighty reminds us that true democracy must always be recognized and carried out with a sense of moral responsibility to God.

Second, the value of just and civilized Humanity emphasizes the need for elected leaders to reflect justice, equality and welfare for all people. Third, Indonesian unity, the value of unity and integrity, emphasizes that elections should strengthen togetherness and unite diverse voices in one national vision.

Fourth, the value of democracy led by wisdom in the deliberation of representatives underscores the importance of active participation of citizens in the democratic process. Fifth, social justice for all Indonesians requires elected leaders to focus on equitable development and improved welfare for all levels of society.

Thus, elections conducted in the spirit of Pancasila values will create elected leaders who not only represent the majority vote, but also promote unity, justice and prosperity for all citizens. By combining democracy and the noble values of Pancasila, Indonesia can face the challenges of the new year 2024 with confidence and hope to achieve sustainable and inclusive progress.

However, it is important to remember that democracy is not an end in itself, but an evolving journey. Factors such as education, access to information, and transparency of government remain important considerations to ensure that elections truly reflect the will of the people. Therefore, maintaining the integrity and essence of democracy is a shared duty as Indonesian citizens, and the 2024 elections are a call to actively participate in shaping the democratic future of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

Then as time goes by in 2024, the nation’s view of democracy should be strengthened. Democracy, as the main pillar of government, reaches its glory through general elections. Elected leaders, the result of the majority vote of the people, become the embodiment of political representation that is connected to the aspirations, needs and expectations of the people.

From this comes a deep awareness of the community’s responsibility in maintaining the integrity of democracy. Not only targeting economic development or infrastructure improvements, the hopes for the new year also include aspects of democratic health as the foundation of a modern and civilized nation. The main focus lies on comprehensive political education, ensuring equitable access to information, and increasing transparency of governance. The new year’s agenda is designed to strengthen citizen participation in democratic processes, creating space for reflection and concrete action.

The importance of political education also comes to light in this context. By creating a better understanding of democratic principles and civic responsibilities, political education shapes critical-thinking and active citizens. Meanwhile, equal access to information brings equality in people’s decisions, enabling them to participate in the political process with adequate knowledge.

By integrating political education, access to information and government transparency into the new year’s agenda, these measures create a solid foundation for strengthening a nation’s democratic foundation. Political education provides citizens with a better understanding of the political system and their rights, while access to information and government transparency open up clearer lines of communication between the government and society. Through these efforts, it is hoped that 2024 will not only be a period of economic progress, but also a momentum for fundamental strengthening in citizen participation and democratic sustainability.

Integration is then key to building a solid foundation for a democratic and responsive society, where active participation and open information are key drivers of progress. Bringing these hopes together, the new year 2024 offers an opportunity to build a stronger foundation for democracy.

Elections are the field where these hopes can become reality, producing leaders who are able to lead with wisdom and justice. As citizens who contribute to this process, we not only welcome the new year as a fresh start, but also as a moment to shape our future together, in the spirit of democracy and better hope.

(Prof. Dr. Ermaya Suradinata, SH, MH, MS, is the former Director General of Social and Political Affairs of the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs, Chancellor of IPDN, and former Governor of Lemhannas RI.)
