Indonesia's Challenges and Opportunities in 2025 (Part II - Final)

It is important to create an open and inclusive dialog at the national level to build consensus in formulating preventive policies. By involving a wide range of stakeholders, including civil society, academic institutions and the private sector, Indonesia can ensure that its preventive strategies reflect the needs and aspirations of the entire society.

This active participation from the community will shape national awareness of security risks that may arise and strengthen the involvement of all components of the nation in maintaining stability. Therefore, building a flexible and rapid response capacity is key to implementing a preventive strategy.

Indonesia must have the ability to respond quickly to unexpected developments. This includes strengthening the security apparatus, planned exercises, and scenario development to test readiness to deal with various crisis scenarios. By doing so, Indonesia can reduce potential losses due to global uncertainty and improve its responsiveness to security challenges.

Towards National Stability and Security: Projected Strategic Issues in 2025

In order to face the increasing security risks, Indonesia needs to strengthen its national defense and security capacity, including the military, intelligence, and cooperation between security agencies. Regional security diplomacy is key to forming strong alliances and responding effectively to common threats. Active adaptation to global dynamics, building self-reliance in the defense industry, and regional cooperation in security information exchange are key steps.

In terms of opportunities, this situation provides Indonesia with the chance to act as a mediator and play an important role in diplomacy and conflict resolution. This opportunity creates a foundation for Indonesia as an active regional leader in maintaining global stability and peace.

Even so, obstacles in dealing with strategic issues remain a challenge. The inability to manage conflict, national dissent, and the risk of non-traditional threats are significant obstacles. Therefore, effective strategic measures are needed to overcome these constraints and maintain Indonesia’s national security. With an in-depth understanding of the trends, implications, threats, risks, opportunities and constraints on strategic issues of Political, Law and Security Affairs in 2025, Indonesia can develop proactive and responsive policies, helping to safeguard national security and interests amidst complex dynamics at the inter-regional, regional and national levels. This prediction emphasizes the need for global, regional and national cooperation to address emerging strategic policing issues in 2025.

Anticipating the Challenges of 2025: Responding to Predicted Strategic Issues

Strategic issues in the field of Political, Law and Security Affairs in 2025 cover a number of aspects that require serious attention, especially in the context of predictions of strategic issues in Political, Law and Security Affairs at the international, regional and national levels. One of the main issues that stands out is the decline in the Corruption Perception Index in Indonesia, reflecting the challenges in efforts to eradicate corruption. This issue is believed to be a major concern in the international agenda related to governance.

This condition reflects the urgency of reforming and improving the legal system, both at the national and international levels, to address the increasingly complex root causes of corruption. This prediction in particular illustrates how the issue of corruption will become the main focus of the international community, placing Indonesia within the framework of global cooperation to deal with this problem.

In addition, the lack of optimal law enforcement is highlighted and predicted to be a serious issue in 2025. Despite existing regulations, their implementation has not reached the expected level, and this could lead to security and stability issues at the regional level.

Therefore, this prediction emphasizes the need for regional cooperation in strengthening law enforcement agencies and improving their effectiveness to maintain mutual security.

The Asset Forfeiture Bill is the focus of an interesting debate and is related to the prediction of strategic issues of Political, Law and Security in 2025. Considered the most appropriate method of dealing with the corrupt, the bill is believed to create a moral legal dynamic, which needs to be carefully elaborated at the national and international levels. A transparent and participatory legislative process will be key in addressing this issue, and it could have an impact on global legal governance.

These issues create a complex context and highlight the need for cross-border cooperation to achieve effective solutions. Moreover, predictions indicate that Indonesia needs to play an active role in the international and regional arenas to address emerging strategic policing issues.

Supporting global law reform efforts, enhancing cooperation among national and regional institutions, and promoting transparency and public participation are all important elements in maintaining national stability and resilience in the future. Therefore, anticipating and responding to complex and far-reaching legal issues in 2025 will be a challenge that requires synergy from various parties to achieve positive change.

Responding to the 2025 Challenge: Predictions for the Future

National strategic issues that are receiving special attention and are predicted to continue to emerge in the coming year pose a number of challenges that require serious attention. Security disturbances in the Papua region, especially related to the activities of the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) and its supporting affiliates, are the main focus of attention.

They continue to voice their rejection of the Special Autonomous Region (DOB) and Special Autonomy (Otsus) in Papua, even pushing for a referendum in Papua. This threat is not only about the security aspect, but is also closely related to issues of identity, intolerance and discrimination that have the potential to trigger social conflict in the community.

Predictions also highlight the possibility of developing issues related to national political polarization as a result of the 2024 simultaneous elections. These political dynamics, legal ethics and security have the potential to cause tension and division in society. Elections are considered a crucial moment that can trigger disagreements and ideological differences among communities, and if not managed properly, can have a negative impact on national stability.

The importance of dealing with these strategic issues holistically is becoming increasingly clear. The government needs to develop a strategy that includes addressing security disturbances in Papua and tackling social conflict. Responsive measures involve enhancing dialogue between various stakeholders and strengthening peace mechanisms in conflict areas. In addition, the promotion of tolerance, inter-religious dialogue and the elimination of discrimination need to be a focus in maintaining harmony and diversity in Indonesia.

In formulating responsive measures, cooperation between government agencies, active involvement of civil society, and participation of all elements of society are key. Preventive measures, capacity building of security forces, and continuous monitoring of developments in Papua and their impact on the national level should be an integral part of the government’s strategy.

By understanding and responding wisely, Indonesia can overcome these challenges, strengthen national security, and maintain stability throughout the country, in line with predictions of strategic issues in 2025.

(Prof. DR. Drs. Ermaya Suradinata, SH, MH, MSI, is the former Director General of Sospol of the Ministry of Home Affairs RI, Rector of IPDN, Governor of Lemhannas RI, and currently the Board of Experts for Geopolitics and Geostrategy of BPIP RI.)
