Total Independence: Indonesia's Strategy to Strengthen Defense

TOTAL INDEPENDENCE in the context of national defense is one of Bung Karno’s concepts, which remains relevant today. The concept of the first president of the Republic of Indonesia was intended as a strategic step to make Indonesia a strong and sovereign country.

Bung Karno realized that dependence on foreign countries, especially in terms of defense and security, could threaten the nation’s sovereignty. Therefore, he encouraged the development of an independent national defense industry, from weapons production to military technology development. By having the ability to produce its own military equipment, Indonesia not only reduces dependence on imports, but also improves its overall defense capabilities.

In addition, Bung Karno also emphasized the importance of building a strong military force with a clear ideological basis, namely Pancasila. This ideology becomes the foundation for every member of the military in carrying out their duties, so that national defense is not just a physical issue, but also spiritual and moral. Therefore, Bung Karno’s concept of total independence is relevant to be used as a reference in strengthening Indonesia’s defense today.

In the midst of increasingly complex global dynamics, Indonesia must be able to stand on its own feet, both in terms of technology, human resources, and defense policy. With strong independence, Indonesia will not only be able to maintain national sovereignty, but also play an active role in maintaining peace and stability in the region and globally.

This independence must be realized through integrated policies, including the development of the defense industry, improving the quality of human resources, and strengthening mutually beneficial international cooperation without compromising national interests.

Therefore, Indonesia’s national independence is a strategic goal that involves various fundamental aspects of the country’s defense and security system. In an increasingly complex global context, Indonesia must adopt a holistic approach to strengthening national resilience. This approach includes food, energy and water self-sufficiency, as well as the development of the creative economy, green economy and blue economy sectors.

Each of these sectors plays a crucial role in increasing the nation’s self-reliance, as they reduce dependence on external resources and strengthen the country’s security defense system. By implementing these strategies in an integrated manner, Indonesia can strengthen its national resilience and overcome various domestic and international challenges.

Food, energy and water self-sufficiency are key pillars in achieving national self-reliance. By increasing agricultural productivity, developing renewable energy and efficient water management, Indonesia can reduce dependence on imports and address risks associated with global market fluctuations and geopolitical dynamics.

Robust food security supports social and political stability, while energy independence strengthens Indonesia’s position in international negotiations and reduces vulnerability to external threats. Sustainable water management is also important to address the impacts of climate change and ensure the availability of resources vital for economic activities and daily life.

In addition, the development of creative, green and blue economies contributes significantly to the nation’s self-reliance. The creative economy, with its potential to create jobs and drive innovation, strengthens national competitiveness and cultural identity. The green economy, which focuses on sustainable and environmentally friendly development, helps reduce negative environmental impacts and supports long-term resilience to climate change.

Meanwhile, the blue economy plays an important role in utilizing and conserving marine resources, which supports economic resilience in coastal areas. The integration of these strategies as a whole strengthens Indonesia’s global standing and promotes more self-reliant and sustainable development.

At the same time, it is clear that food self-sufficiency is a key pillar in building national resilience, as food is a basic need that underpins a country’s social and political stability. By ensuring an adequate and stable food supply, the country can avoid potential food crises that could lead to social instability and political discontent.

Achieving food self-sufficiency involves various strategies, including increasing agricultural productivity through the adoption of modern technological innovations, sustainable management of natural resources, and improvements in the food distribution system. This approach not only ensures food availability but also supports the sustainability of the national food system.

In addition, sustainable management of natural resources, such as organic farming practices and soil conservation, helps maintain the quality of soil and ecosystems that support food production. An efficient distribution system ensures that food is evenly distributed throughout the region, reducing wastage and lowering food prices, which has a positive impact on food security.

Achieving food self-sufficiency also strengthens Indonesia’s bargaining power in volatile international situations. By reducing dependence on food imports, Indonesia can minimize risks associated with global market fluctuations and international trade policies. This enhances domestic economic stability and food security, and provides a better bargaining position in international negotiations related to trade and economic cooperation. Thus, food self-sufficiency is not only important for national security but also contributes to Indonesia’s strength and influence in the global arena.

Prof. Dr. Ermaya Suradinata, SH, MH, MS, was the Governor of Lemhannas RI (2001-2005).
