Building an Independent Spirit: Reflections on 79 Years of Sovereign Indonesia

By: Prof. Dr. Drs. Ermaya Suradinata, S.H., M.H., M.S.

Editor: Dhania Puspa Purbasari


Since its independence on August 17, 1945, Indonesia has experienced a long and dynamic journey. Celebrating the 79th anniversary of independence is not only to mark the age of the country, but also to reflect on the achievements and challenges. The effort to build independent souls is one of the focal points of this journey, where each individual is expected to have independence of thought, freedom of expression and high social responsibility.

The concept of “free spirit” reflects the nation’s aspiration to create a society capable of thinking independently and acting with integrity. Education is one of the main pillars in achieving this goal, with a focus on character development and critical thinking. An independent education system aims not only to impart knowledge, but also to create critical, creative, and innovative individuals.

True freedom in education means providing space for students to develop independent thinking skills and encouraging them to continue learning and developing. Since independence, Indonesia has implemented various reforms in the education sector to improve its quality and accessibility. It also ensures that every citizen has an equal opportunity to receive a quality education.

Education reform in Indonesia has focused on developing a curriculum that is not only academically oriented, but also character-building and critical thinking skills. This approach is important in creating a generation that is able to think independently, make wise decisions, and innovate in various aspects of life. Inclusive education is also key to ensuring that all levels of society, including the marginalized, have equitable access to education.

Citizens have the opportunity to express their views through both traditional media and digital platforms. Social media and information technology have become very influential tools in strengthening freedom of expression. They allow individuals to share ideas, criticize policies and participate in public discussions more easily and quickly.

A healthy democracy therefore requires the active participation of citizens in the political process, which reflects not only freedom of expression but also social responsibility. This participation can take the form of participation in elections, political discussions, or social movements. Thus, freedom of expression in Indonesia is not only about the right to speak, but also about the obligation to contribute positively to nation-building.

At the same time, true freedom is not only political, but also economic and social. Inclusive and sustainable economic development is an important prerequisite for ensuring that every individual has a fair chance to realize his or her potential. In this regard, government programs that focus on poverty reduction, health improvement and economic equity are critical measures.

By addressing social and economic inequalities, people can be freed from the shackles of poverty and inequality, which in turn strengthens the spirit of freedom. Economic resilience provides the stability and security individuals need to thrive. And to contribute maximally to the life of the community.

In addition to economic and social aspects, culture also plays an important role in shaping an independent spirit. Indonesia, with its tremendous cultural richness and diversity, has a strong capital to strengthen national identity. The preservation and development of local culture not only strengthens the sense of nationhood, but also provides a moral and ethical foundation for society.

A strong culture, rooted in local values, becomes a source of inspiration and strength in the face of increasingly complex global challenges. Therefore, efforts to preserve and develop local culture must continue to be encouraged as an integral part of the development of independent souls.

Economic, social and cultural well-being thus interact to form a society that is free in thought, action and identity. By strengthening these aspects, Indonesia can create an environment conducive to the development of independent, critical, and responsible individuals.

True independence will be realized when every citizen is able to lead a life that is meaningful, prosperous, and consistent with his or her values. This is the vision of full independence, where well-being is not only a right, but also a shared responsibility in nation-building.

Prof. Dr. Drs. Ermaya Suradinata, S.H., M.H., M.S. is the Governor of Lemhannas RI (2001-2005).
